Hey, hows it goin'?

Thanks for taking the time to read a little more about us. We believe the idea of free and fun gameplay on an already inexpensive service such as Garry's Mod is becoming scarcer and scarcer. It's taking its toll on this title among many others. We aim to interfere with this overall direction and wish to provide quality, fun servers with unique and well-implemented ideas without offloading that cost to the user. Owned and operated by a longtime member of the Garry's Mod community, you can expect each server to behave well and be optimized for everyone. You can always count on admins being vetted personally as there will never be a paid admin for any of our services. We have owned and operated servers under various names since 2012. We hope you find a home online with us! Be sure to contact an admin in-game if you have any ideas or improvements you'd wish to share. Thank you!

uncannytranny admins@7nationservers.com